Crazy snowstorm preparations
What is it about snowstorms that makes people go crazy?
You’d think that, living in the Northeast, people would get used to the concept of snow. After all, it happens nearly every year, multiple times per year, and most people have hats, coats, boots, and a shovel, if not a snowblower, plow, snow tires, etc. Only rarely does a storm wreak true havoc, and that’s usually due more to ice than anything.
And yet, every single time a large front moves in, everyone seems to lose their minds. Rational thought goes out the window, and crazy preparations take place.
Now, I’m not talking about the “gas up the snow thrower and make sure you’ve got your Yak Trax handy” kind of preparations. Nor about making sure the furnace is serviced, the woodpile is stocked, and the Ben-Gay is around for post-shoveling sore muscle treatment.
No, I’m talking about utter snowstorm insanity, of the kind that prompts rushes on the supermarket the day before the Weather Channel has proclaimed “Devastation Ahead.”
Yesterday, I ran errands in the early afternoon, and found myself in a totally unexpected scrum at the supermarket. I should’ve known – every time snow in excess of an inch or two is forecast, Pancake Runs happen. By that, I mean people storming the supermarkets, snapping up milk, eggs, butter, and flour – staples of pancake making – for no other reason than, well, there’s a storm a-comin’.
There might be snow! QUICKLY, BUY MILK!
…I’ve never understood this. Then again, I also don’t understand why someone in the middle of that supermarket storm-induced scrum yesterday decided that they needed six gallons of milk, four dozen eggs, and eight orchid plants. Still scratching my head over that one.
Me, I’ve got my storm prep covered. Shovel’s out and ready, boots are on standby, flashlights, books, and blankets are handy, and I’ve got plenty of tea, obviously.
And a nice warm cuppa Heat of the Night doesn’t even need milk.
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